sometimes i really wonder if a relationship is
worth waiting on ... We find that these days there are few ladies who are willing to wait, struggle and grow with a man most times they want the PERFECTLY RICH MR RIGHT and in the process subject themselves to all sorts of things to find him.
I have friends whose husband's when they were boyfriend's din't even have a car or good job but they stayed with them cos of love and hope...you should see them now you would think they had been rich all thier lives... how did they do it??? they persevered and grew with the man they loved and believed in. Dont get me wrong ohhh!!! it wasnt easy but it was worth it.
I am not saying that a lady has to suffer with a man before he loves her or gets the best from him but if you meet a man that has potential and ambition and you love him why not give him a try and wait on GOD instead of hustling to get the attention of the HONEY COATED RICH GUY who might not even know you exist , you wear clothes that barely cover you up in a bid to get his attention, you go to owambe’s just to meet him, you even go to highly placed churches, you start playing golf, etc
Why don’t you just stop for a second and see yourself as intelligent , beautiful and result oriented. Believe that you can get a good man … MR RIGHT might just be right there in front of you and you are ignoring him because he is not driving a prado jeep and living in Ajah... Why must a lady rely on a man to do everything for her ... Have you ever thought about working a making a few bucks for yourself..... You are meant to compliment and support each other.
Looking back to my university days at those babes that would just jump into bed with anyone that was willing to buy them cars, phones, hair, tickets etc baaaaabeeee you can get all those things by yourself . first and foremost you are to take care of yourself then your boyfriend/ husband compliments it... The burden shouldn't be on him alone…… men respect a lady that is resourceful and intelligent.
Have you ever stopped to wonder if you have the attitude and morals to attract MR RIGHT; it’s also about you and the things you do to attract the right people towards you..... He might just be that guy who’s been trying to get your attention... Why not give him a try, it might be worth it... Xoxo mosh
Gbam! Mosh you hit the nail...... good write up
ReplyDeleteTrue talk , that's just the ticket τ̲̅ȍ getting mr right , be yourself. Keep it up mosh
ReplyDeletethanks for the comments....they encourage me to write more
ReplyDeleteValid point! Maybe if we stop and ask ourselves these questions, the rate of divorces in the country will significantly reduce!
ReplyDeletepersonally I think a marriage should be worked at instead of giving up.
ReplyDeleteLet's look at it from the point of those who struggled with a man and gets dumped the moment the man makes it...Mr. Right comes in different garment for different ladies.
ReplyDeleteThat Rich guy might be the matchmade in heaven for some lady...I get the whole a man with ambition and vision but one question ladies fail to ask is, am I my man's Mrs Right...only when you are sure of this should you stay with the man, rich, poor or struggling to be rich.
I really enjoyed this blog! So often people force themselves to believe they have found "the one" without analyzing whether or not they actual have the qualities one desires in a partner. Or, they reject great partners because they don't possess certain qualities that are not really necessary. I recently read another blog that many people may find interesting and helpful in their search for the perfect parter, http://www.psychalive.org/2009/11/seven-qualities-of-an-ideal-partner/, I highly recommend it!